Wildcat Cult

Halloween, vintage photos, dry humor and comic strips. 
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Picasso Eyes

Posted 2011-08-07 00:02:29 | Views: 14,673

Picasso Eyes

Lady Gaga as a Dude

Posted 2011-08-07 00:00:16 | Views: 13,565

Crappy Friends

Posted 2011-08-06 18:37:06 | Views: 13,287

Friends don't let friends go down the crapper!






































































































Apartment view on 911

Posted 2011-08-03 13:24:03 | Views: 15,262

Scary apartment view on 911.

Landslides and Flash Flooding in Seoul, Korea

Posted 2011-08-03 13:05:16 | Views: 15,040

After a month of heavy rain saturated mountainsides, a fresh deluge sent landslides sweeping into Seoul last week, killing 59 people. Ten were still reported missing. In a strange compounding of the misery, the landslides and flash flooding washed away landmines buried near an air defense unit in Seoul. Soldiers were searching for those landmines as well as North Korean landmines washed away near the border. A total of 76 landslides of different severity struck after the most intense rainstorm in Korea in the last century. Ten university students lost their lives while volunteering at a summer camp for kids when a landslide struck in Chuncheon. "If it keeps raining like this, no country in the world can endure this," South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said. -- Lane Turner


Flash Floods








Amazing and sad photos of the heavy flooding and damage in Seoul, Korea

A rescue worker checks a block of flats after a landslide hit the apartment building in Seoul on July 27, 2011. (Jang Seung-Yoon/AFP/Getty Images) 

Cars are submerged by floodwaters after heavy rains hit the Seoul region on July 27, 2011. (Yang Hoe-Seong/AFP/Getty Images)

Damaged cars pile up after a landslide and heavy rainfall in Seoul July 27, 2011. Wild weather has battered the peninsula, causing widespread flooding and transport delays, while the share price of insurers fell on fears that damage costs would run into millions of dollars. (Park Mun-ho/Newsis/Reuters)

Policemen try to move a trapped car on a flooded motorway during heavy rainfall in Seoul July 27, 2011. (Lee Jung-hoon/Yonhap/Reuters)

Via: Boston










Spooky Trivia

Posted 2011-08-03 06:41:23 | Views: 14,244


Can you guess who's shit this belonged to when authorties searched this serial killers car? Give up?

Ted Bundy



killed 35+ young women. Span of Killings: August 13, 1961, or February 1, 1974–February 9, 1978



















































































Splatter Shaped Coffee Cup

Posted 2011-08-03 06:25:31 | Views: 15,728

Splatter Shaped

Coffee Cup


Check out this pretty sweet coffee cup. I'm not sure if this is a computer trick or the real deal. At any rate, if it does exist I would pay money for it. Only question is, where do you put your lips without the coffee coming down shirt?

Life without Art

Posted 2011-08-02 10:41:34 | Views: 14,574


Super Colorful Bird

Posted 2011-08-01 15:00:51 | Views: 19,981

Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise is a small Passerine bird found on only two islands in Indonesia, Waigeo and Batanta. They typically inhabit forested hill areas, though they have also been found in forests of both lower and higher elevations.

Birds-of-Paradise are known for their amazing plumage, typically found only in males. Wilson's is no exception to this. They exhibit a dazzling range of colors, with red backs, yellow mantles, green breasts, and turquoise crowns. Males also have small black curving tail feathers. Females and juvenile males are duller in color, with lighter blue crowns and brownish shades elsewhere.

Adult males use their spectacular plumage to attract mates. They enter well lit clearings, where the sun can reflect off their colorful feathers, and perform intricate song and dance rituals to impress potential partners.

Super Colorful Bird:

Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise

Family Time with Toys R Us and Hooters

Posted 2011-07-31 16:26:16 | Views: 18,664

Family Time.

Kids: Go to Toys R Us.


Dad: Goes to Hooters.


Mom: Waits in the car.

Cat wants to Kill her Enemies

Posted 2011-07-27 13:50:16 | Views: 15,190

Murder Murder Murder

Kill Kill Kill.

Hit List:




Gold Fish











Fish Assholes

Posted 2011-07-27 11:51:27 | Views: 13,922

Sounds Delicious


This is exactly what I was in the mood for. Please, just crack that fuckin' can right open. My mouth just waters for it. Wow, and it's Manhattan style? Doesn't get any better then this. Ah, I can't wait to tell my wife I ate Fish Assholes for lunch.

9 Lives Sleeping Beauty

Posted 2011-07-27 11:30:51 | Views: 15,151

Looks like the sleeping beauty has 9 lives.

Bobcat on Top of Tall Cactus

Posted 2011-07-27 09:50:57 | Views: 16,425

Bobcat likes the high life.

GOLD CANYON, Ariz. - The images are incredible. A bobcat that has scampered to the top of a saguaro cactus -- and it was quite a climb!


 The photos were captured in Gold Canyon, on the foot of the Superstition Mountains.


The bobcat was trying to get away from a mountain lion that was stalking it, explains the photographer Curt Fonger. He darted up a 40-foot saguaro, and there he stayed for the remainder of the day.

Curt Fonger and his wife Marta are living out their golden years on wilderness' edge in Gold Canyon. With over 40 years of photography experience, Curt recently had a career-defining moment.

"I've never had the luxury of seeing a bobcat on top of a saguaro," he says. "Just a beautiful creature, he was displaying himself proudly, kind of looking around, probably trying to see if mister mountain lion was still around... it was almost if he was posing!"


Curt says the golden cat with amber eyes stared back at him, perched on top of the cactus for hours.


"He was pretty relaxed, he kind of laid on top of the saguaro, shut his eyes, almost as if he was sleeping."


The bobcat eventually came down, but Curt and Marta are still riding high.


"It was that Kodak moment I think every photographer lives for."


 Amazing Bobcat Perches Atop Saguaro Cactus

There's more to life then Books

Posted 2011-07-27 08:53:32 | Views: 16,358

"There's more to life than books, you know. But not much more."

- Morrissey